Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

8-3 Practice Activity

8-3 Practice Activity

Q Overview In this assignment, you will create a research question to add to your ePortfolio. Prompt In your final course in the criminal justice program, you will create a research question that you will then investigate further. To assist you in this task, review the following list of current research topics covered in each course. Choose one of those topics (or another topic covered in this course) and create one to three research questions based on that topic. Then, submit the questions to your instructor. This research question assignment is graded based on completion, and instructor feedback should help you strengthen your questions for future use. After you have submitted the questions to your instructor, upload them (and the list of potential topics below, if you wish) to your ePortfolio PDF.

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My chosen topic to develop research questions are as follows- “Morality in the decision-making process”